Sissy is blossoming into a sweet and loving Greyhound. She now actively seeks affection from me. She has even started giving me a gentle kiss or two. Initially the kiss was usually on my hand or foot. Just recently, she actually give my face a little kiss. That's a big step for this once shy girl.
She has really integrated well into my pack which I believe will translate well when she goes to her forever home with at least one other dog. She enjoys toys a great deal, but so far has not been destructive with them. She loves to carry them, shake them and hoard them, but so far not tearing them up--except for one ball that had a tear in it already. She decided she would help the originator of the tear :)
She rides will in the car and really seems to enjoy going for rides. She enjoys naps with her buddies. Here she is napping with Chloe (white hound)
Sissy will also sometimes spontaneously sit! It's usually when we are outside in the backyard and she's just relaxing, watching and taking everything in. I keep wanting to get a picture of her sitting, but I never seem to have a camera when she does it.
She's a very polite girl. She responds very well to the word "no" if she's about to do or try something she should not. She's been completely house trained since day one. I don't know what her sign to go out is though because with all of my other dogs, one of them will alert that they need to go out and of course ALL of them proceed to go out as well.
She even let me clip her nails the other day. I just took the tips off since her nails are black. I usually like to use a dremel after I trim the tips. I haven't tried the dremel with her yet. I'm afraid the noise might bother her and I haven' wanted to turn nail trimming into a scary thing at this point. So trimming tips will just have to be done more regularly for awhile.
She LOVES chews: greenies and other US made animal chews for dogs (bully sticks, gullet, beef strap and the like). She's NOT a picky eater at all. So far she has eaten everything I have given her--including banana. A couple of mine won't touch banana with a 10 ft pole. Sissy seemed to really like it. I think it may have been given as a treat when she was at Birmingham.
Oh, I found a video of the one race that Sissy won September 23, 2009. I haven't figured out how to delete the preceding races, but Sissy is in the 6th race ( forward to 4:48). She is in post 3. She had this race all the way. This is the only race she won. I'm glad I have it to be able to share with her forever home someday.
She's a darling little dog. I know sometimes people think Greyhounds are big dogs. Sissy definitely is not. She's a petite greyhound and would definitely be considered a medium sized dog.
Sissy is looking for a special place--her own home and family. If you are looking for a sweet, loving girl and don't mind putting in a little bit of time to win her trust, I promise you will be rewarded 100 times over by this adorable little girl.
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